Auto Trader secures carbon literacy accreditation

Auto Trader has become the first FTSE 100 company to achieve the Gold Carbon Literate Organisation accreditation from the Carbon Literacy Project.
The award recognises that more than 50% of its 1,000-strong workforce has completed dedicated Carbon Literacy training and becoming certified as Carbon Literate.
Carbon Literacy covers a broad range of climate change-related topics and creates greater awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities, as well as inspiring people to reduce their emissions on an individual basis.
Meanwhile, as of this financial year, Auto Trader is a carbon neutral business, having offset all its scope one, two and three carbon emissions. It is also committed to becoming a Net Zero business by 2040.
Nathan Coe, Auto Trader’s chief executive officer, said: “We’re incredibly proud to have reached this important carbon literacy milestone as it represents three years of hard work and dedication from across our business – not only in implementing and delivering the training, but also maintaining our shared commitment and passion for our broader sustainability objectives. We take our environmental responsibilities seriously, and although we still have some way to go to reach our carbon targets, we hope we can support others in the process.”