UK roads going to pot

New research has found that drivers decreased their mileage by an average of 42% during the pandemic, but there has not been an equivalent drop in the amount of pothole damage.

In fact, this year’s Pothole Impact Tracker for Kwik Fit found that the total cost to British drivers from pothole damage over the last 12 months rose slightly compared to the year before, reaching £1.267bn compared to £1.249bn for the year to March 2020.

Kwik Fit’s PIT Report tracks the impact of potholes on an annual basis and its research shows that this year, despite reduced mileage, drivers have hit an average of 11 potholes per month, and some 10.2 million have suffered damage to their car as a result.

As tyres are a car’s first line of defence against potholes, they are the most commonly damaged component, suffered by 4.2 million drivers.

This is followed by suspension damage (3m), wheels (2.8m) and steering (2m).

The average cost of repairs drivers have faced over the last 12 months has been £127.20, an increase of 11% on the previous year.

The worsening condition of UK roads may be a reason why so many are still needing repairs. Nearly half (48%) of all drivers say that the condition of the road surfaces in their local area are worse than 12 months ago, with only 12% saying they are better.

Roger Griggs, communications director at Kwik Fit, said: “We are all very aware of the massive shock there has been to the public finances as a result of the pandemic. However, the condition of our roads is a long-term issue as shown by our PIT report over recent years.

“Potholes are not just an issue because of the cost to drivers, they present a risk to people’s safety. We need to ensure that any funds made available are used strategically and effectively and not just for short-term patching up of the worst affected areas.”
