Rye smiles about youth investment

Rye Street Group has revealed plans for the continued development of its apprenticeship programme.

The group kickstarted its programme just over five years ago when it hosted the first ever AutoRaise Industry Showcase Event, when more than 130 people turned up.

Bill Duffy, group managing director, said: “The event proved to be a runaway success and cemented our belief that bringing young people into our business was absolutely the right direction for us. Since then, we have steadily recruited apprentices each year and currently have over 10 working across our seven sites.

“This is on top of more than 20 team members who have previously been through our apprenticeship programme. The energy and enthusiasm these young people bring is infectious and this has dramatically enhanced the sense of team spirit and togetherness at each of our sites.”

Duffy continued: “We shall definitely be recruiting more apprentices throughout the year, hopefully at least one at each site. We can’t afford to not invest in young people. Apart from the positivity it brings to our business, it’s the only way we will be able to cope with increased repair complexity in the future.”
