Research predicts summer ‘gold rush’

New evidence suggests that more than 10% of motorists are bringing forward plans to change their cars.

According to buyacar, about one in four motorists have been reluctant to buy a car during lockdown, but it’s now found that 12.9% are bringing forward their plans to buy. This supports a growing consensus among industry experts that dealers will be overwhelmed with demand when they reopen their showrooms in April.

Christofer Lloyd, editor, said: “All the evidence that we and other experts are seeing points to something like a gold rush for car sales when coronavirus restrictions are lifted further and car dealers are again able to open their doors to the public. Only last month we predicted a car sales boom as soon as conditions improve, based on our research revealing that an overwhelming majority of drivers intend to use their own cars more, in preference to car-sharing or public transport.

“The latest data from our investigations supports a growing consensus that the release of pent-up demand next month will see perhaps the busiest time in memory for new and used car sales.

“Our own experience last year, when the first national lockdown was lifted, suggests that demand will explode and we expect the gold rush for replacing cars will be even stronger this time. Indeed, we are already seeing signs of motorists straining at the leash with the busiest first-half-of-the-month since the record sales period we experienced last summer.”
