Repairers urged to build on MOT boon

Workshops are being urged to focus on vehicles aged between four and nine years old in order to generate new work as the six-month boon resulting from the MOT extension fades.

While no more vehicles were officially eligible for the extension from 1 February, there is likely to be some spill over for some weeks, and the uplift could be sustained as vehicles come out of hibernation, as traffic levels are still 45% below pre lockdown levels*.

SecretServce ambassador Gavin Ruddick said: “While vehicles that are in need of service work as they emerge from ‘hibernation’ and the MOT extension overflow will support revenues through to March, they will need to secure market share to ensure performance is strong into the second quarter of 2021.

“With a roadmap out of the current lockdown in place, spring and summer staycation car journeys could also represent an opportunity to increase workshop revenues in quarter two and beyond.”

With the sector hopeful that the lockdown may ease in quarter two, servicing inspections that are now showing overdue from last year may also present an opportunity, especially for those who are considering spring and summer staycations.

Ruddick said: “So far this year, we have seen a continued surge in MOT work, which in turn attracts service bookings and other items such as free vehicle health checks, boosting final invoice values. However, this might only last while any remaining owners scramble to get their cars an MOT as the extension expires.

“This is why it is so important to secure additional market share in vehicles aged four to nine which will underpin performance for the first half of the year. Action needs to be taken in February to access these motorists.”
