Multi-car families consider downsizing

More than a third of UK households say the Covid-19 pandemic has caused them to consider owning fewer vehicles.

According to a study of 2,000 UK households with access to more than one car carried out by DS Automobiles, 36% say the pandemic has caused them to consider downsizing their fleet, with 23% stating they now have less need for multiple cars than before the pandemic.

The research also found that 27% of respondents believe they will continue to work from home three to five days per week, even after the stay-at-home rules lift, further reducing the need for a second vehicle in the future.

The research comes as DS Automobiles launches its new DS+ on-demand service, offering the chance to rent the use of a second DS model direct from the brand at your convenience.

The service is open to new and existing customers, with current DS customers automatically receiving exclusive offers on their rental. The service is designed to help fill the gap when households and families need the convenience of an extra vehicle.

Jules Tilstone, managing director, DS Automobiles, said: “It’s no secret that mobility needs are rapidly changing and with DS+, we are anticipating and meeting these new demands. Our customers can buy the DS they want and access a second DS vehicle when they need it.”
