Most drivers favour smart motorways

New research has found that 56% of drivers believe smart motorways are beneficial and help improve road safety, congestion and emission levels.

The survey, conducted by Venson Automotive Solutions, also found that one in 10 didn’t know a smart motorway is a section of motorway that uses active traffic management (ATM) techniques to deliver variable speed limits and hard shoulder usage at busy times.

A further 35% of respondents said the opposed smart motorways, citing safety concerns as the main reason; 38% said they would not feel safe in case of a breakdown and being unable to reach an Emergency Refuge Area, while 34% believe it unsafe to use the hard shoulder as a running lane in peak times.

Alison Bell, marketing director, said: “Private motorists and company car and van drivers need to familiarise themselves with the dos and don’ts. Businesses also have a duty of care to ensure their drivers know the rules of smart motorways and use them appropriately and safely. Every driver must understand what to do in the event of a breakdown or emergency, take notice of the red X above a closed lane, stick to the variable speed limit and keep left as much as possible unless overtaking.”
