Drivers call for winter tyre options

More than a quarter of car buyers would like to have the option to have their next vehicle fitted with winter or all-season tyres.

Research by What Car? of 815 in-market buyers found that 28% said they’d like retailers to offer fitting winter or all-season tyres on their next car.

More than half said they prepare their vehicles for the winter, with the majority carrying an ice scraper or de-icer in the vehicle throughout the vehicle, while 85% of those surveyed think new drivers should be taught winter driving skills as part of their driver training to help them avoid accidents during the months when roads are slippery and visibility is poor due to reduced daylight hours.

Steve Huntingford, editor of What Car?, said: “The recent bouts of snowy weather have once again shown how helpful a good set of winter or all-season tyres can be. With more than a quarter of buyers interested in having them fitted as standard, there’s plenty of scope for retailers to consider offering them as an alternative for summer tyres during autumn and winter months.”
