Demand soars during March rush

New data from Dealerweb has shown record increases in both enquiries and orders for new and used vehicles in March.

Orders for new vehicles leapt by 44% and used by 45%, against March 2020, as dealers traded strongly through digital channels during lockdown. The average value of a used car order increased from £18,046 to £20,862.

Consumer demand also strengthened with enquiries for new vehicles increasing by 41.8% and 46.9% for used.

James Hill, managing director of Dealerweb, said: “Automotive retail is in a very different position compared to March 2020. The industry has moved quickly to advance the technology used in digital channels, and worked hard to provide a good experience for buyers whatever their method of purchase.

“It’s clear that there is a great deal of pent-up demand in the market, which bodes well for a strong performance in April. It is also encouraging to see that dealers have adapted to give the customer more flexibility and choice than ever before.”
