CAPS reports dip in claims, transmissions

The latest collision repair industry report from the CAPS Consortium – covering unique claims and supply chain transmissions for the week ending 6 February – shows claims have dipped 15% following a 10% rise in the week ending 30 January.

For the same period, supply chain transmissions (covering parts, mobility and systems) dropped 16%, compared to a 12% climb in the previous week.

As the collision repair industry’s recovery continues to ebb and flow during lockdown 3.0, the new figures are 72% for unique claims and 80% for supply chain transmissions, and are measured against the peak of claims recorded across the CAPS platform in the first week of November 2020 at the beginning of lockdown 2.0.

The report, shown in full below, also includes indications of regional fluctuations across the UK.

Some of the factors reported by CAPS to be causing these fluctuations include bodyshops reopening after the festive break and exchanging data clearing the backlog of newly reported claims; school closures reducing traffic congestion; and adverse weather conditions resulting in regional variance.

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