bodyshop Awards 2020 – what to expect

bodyshop Awards 2020

The bodyshop Awards 2020 and 30 under 30: rising stars initiative will take place together as a live virtual broadcast between 15:30 and 17:00 on 29 April.

The virtual offering will be as interactive as possible, with an embedded “who’s who” networking opportunity. Each audience member will set up their own personal profile (name, company name, job title, bio, photo) so that others can connect with them either by text or video chat.

There will also be a live Twitter wall where the audience can post messages which will appear on the event platform. There’ll also be a prize for the best audience photograph, as judged by the bodyshop magazine team.

The event itself will begin with our hosts Penny Mallory and Jason Dawe taking you through what you can do using the platform, how to interact via the live Twitter feed and “who’s who” networking, and how to enter our competition.

Following the introduction will be a celebration of 2020’s 30 under 30: rising stars. All 30 winners will appear on the big studio screen holding their trophies, and you can use the Twitter wall to cheer them on virtually. There will be video interviews with two of the winners, Faye Tindall from INDASA and Nathan Carruthers from ENHANCE, followed by “day in the life of” videos from two more winners – Tom Leggett from Thatcham Research and Michael Massey from 3M.

Next up will be the awards, with the unveiling of each of the finalists and winners in all 17 award categories.

The whole event will last for around 90 minutes.

There will also be a welcome message from Plenham CEO, Jason Moseley, which can be accessed anytime in the lobby area of the virtual platform, along with a catch-up facility for all registrants wanting to watch any or all of the show post-broadcast.

Initially scheduled for a live event at the ICC in Wales, the bodyshop Awards 2020 event was postponed and became digital for the well-being and safety of all participant during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

To join the celebrations, please go to the bodyshop Awards 2020 registration page.
