Bob Linwood to step down as AutoRaise CEO

AutoRaise CEO Bob Linwood will be stepping down from his role, as the vehicle repair industry charity adapts its strategy, structure, and cost base to enable positive action moving forward.

During a very difficult 2020 the trustees of the charity have maintained diligent oversight, meeting regularly to ensure the right decisions are made in the interests of AutoRaise and the industry it serves.

Dave Sargeant, AutoRaise chairman, said: “In the last year the trustees and I have been strategically adapting the structure of the charity with the aim of enabling more positive action in 2021 and beyond.

“During this period AutoRaise, like many others, has been affected by the pandemic. We recognised the need to make significant changes to the cost base for it to remain sustainable for the future. It has therefore been decided with regret that the role of CEO be made redundant. Bob was one of the originators of the charity, so while we are all sad to lose him, this decision is in the charity’s best interests.”

Linwood said: “Since the original trustees and I commenced activities in late 2015, seeing the need and the potential to do something positive to address the chronic skills crisis, we have made incredible headway and I am very proud of what has been achieved. The impact of the pandemic has forced the trustees and I to explore ways of drastically reducing costs and we all agreed that the best solution for the charity’s future survival is to make the CEO role redundant.

“I will leave very proud, knowing that we achieved an awful lot in the four years under my stewardship. I am proud to say we have well and truly put the industry’s skills issues on the map and released the potential in some great repairer businesses to create apprentice opportunities. I would like to thank all the trustees I have worked with for their support and selfless commitment to the AutoRaise cause. I shall remain a passionate supporter and advocate of AutoRaise and I hope to continue helping their cause and the industry in general through new work opportunities.”

All trustees have committed to voluntarily giving their time ensuring the ongoing operation of the charity will continue. The trustees and Linwood will continue working together over the next few months to drive forward the AutoRaise mission and prepare for the future.

The charity seeks to build on existing and new relationships with the focused aim of advancing education and training and working with employers to encourage an increase in the number of apprentice schemes available to young people in the body repair industry.

In this interim, Steve Thompson will oversee operations of the charity’s activities working with Linwood to ensure continuity of its support for partners, employers, and apprentices.

Any vehicle repair industry stakeholders who want to find out more about how they can support the charity should contact Jen Evans ([email protected]) or Steve Thompson ([email protected]).
