Autotech boss joins Automotive 30% Club

Autotech Group CEO Gavin White has become the latest member of The Automotive 30% Club.

Founded by Julia Muir in 2016, with the purpose of achieving a better gender balance within the automotive industry, The Automotive 30% Club has the aim of filling 30% of automotive leadership roles with women by 2030.

The Autotech Group operates the UK’s largest network of temporary vehicle technicians and MOT testers through its recruitment division. At the end of last year the Autotech Group added Autotech Academy, and it is through the Academy that the company hope to make a point of difference and help close the industry’s gender gap.

White said: “I am delighted to join the Automotive 30% Club. The colleges we are working with through Autotech Academy have many women studying for automotive qualifications and, as with male students, we need to ensure that they secure a role within the industry once they complete their studies. Currently, up to 10,000 college leavers with an automotive qualification, are lost to the industry each year as they struggle to secure a role, and many of these are women. Through Autotech Academy, we hope to drastically reduce this loss.

“It is also vital that we start demonstrating the benefits of a career within the sector at a young age. By attracting a new generation of women we can then begin to close the talent gap.”

Muir said: “We are very pleased to welcome Gavin White of Autotech Group into the Automotive 30% Club, as our latest member. Autotech is a forward thinking, innovative organisation and I truly believe that Gavin will help to drive change throughout the industry, alongside the support of our current network of CEOs and MDs.”
