Autotech appoints The Garage Inspector

Autotech Group has appointed The Garage Inspector, Andy Savva, as a non-executive director of Autotech Academy.

He will drive awareness of the academy, which has been set up to provide qualified college leavers with a gateway into the industry through a paid internship.

He said: “The opportunity to join the board at Autotech Academy is something I couldn’t refuse. For many years I have commented on the challenges of attracting and retaining youth in our automotive sector. Autotech Academy offers a unique and broad range of essential technical-skills training, complementing what colleges are already doing to enhance and prepare the next generation of technicians, and front-of-house personnel, for employment.

“It is an exciting time to be involved in the automotive sector and there is much to do. I cannot wait to share my business knowledge to give each and every intern the edge as they step into the real world of our competitive and ever-challenging automotive industry.”

Gavin White, CEO of Autotech Group, said: We have worked with Andy many times over our 10-year history and are delighted that he has accepted this position with Autotech Academy. Through Autotech Academy we want to break down a lot of barriers, and Andy is the ideal candidate to help us push this message across the independent aftermarket.”

With Autotech Academy, garages will pay a flat, hourly rate for a fully vetted, fully equipped intern. This cost will cover insurance, tools, ongoing training and, after approximately six months, they can either decide to employ the intern free of charge on a full-time basis, or not.
