VW production resumes in Germany

Volkswagen Passenger Cars resumed vehicle production at its Wolfsburg plant today.

About 8,000 employees returned to the production halls, with multi-shift operation to get under way again next week.

Meanwhile, some 2,600 suppliers have resumed production for Volkswagen’s main plant.

Ralf Brandstätter, chief operating officer of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand, said: “Step-by-step resumption of production is an important signal for the workforce, dealerships, suppliers and the wider economy. In terms of managing the crisis, though, this is just the first step. Additional momentum is needed to stimulate demand in Germany and throughout Europe so that production volumes can be successively increased.”

Some 1,400 vehicles are expected to have been built by the end of the first week of production at the Wolfsburg plant. Production is to be ramped up to more than 6,000 vehicles in the following week as multi-shift operation recommences.
