Tech leaders pair up on radar system

Oxbotica and Navtech are working together to develop a radar-based navigation and perception system.

Oxbotica is a global leader in vehicle autonomy and Navtech specialises on radar solutions.

The system, due to be launched later this year, will not be reliant on external infrastructure and can operate anywhere and in any weather condition

Ozgur Tohumcu, Oxbotica CEO, said: “This collaboration with Navtech is a key milestone in bringing autonomy especially to off-road domains such as mines, ports, or airports where existing lidar or GPS may not function effectively due to weather or operating conditions such as dust, rain, or snow.

“Navtech is a fantastic partner with their unbeatable track record of producing autonomy sensors – powering off-road autonomy around the world for nearly two decades. Incoming demand from customers and our own market research prove that there will be wide applications of this product addressing both on-road and off-road deployments.

Phil Avery, CEO of Navtech, said: “Navtech are delighted to be working with Oxbotica on this project. Despite the potential of radar very few companies have successfully developed the necessary algorithms to use it properly. Oxbotica are world leaders in this area and together with our high performance radars sensors we believe the resulting system will deliver a step change in the performance available for all weather all environment localisation and perception. This is crucial for automation in more challenging environments such as mines and ports.
