Road safety gets personal

The road safety sector is on the ‘cusp of real change’ as businesses seek to use technology to enhance safety based on individual driving habits.

According to the road safety specialists TTC Group, clients want to use individual driving data to enhance safety far more since the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because of a rapid uptake in technologies and changes in individual’s behaviours and

TTC Group’s insights follow the Department for Transport’s (DfT) latest road safety review which despite highlighting the UK has some of the safest roads in Europe, also demonstrates how the past decade has seen a plateau in the number of people killed and seriously injured on the UK’s roads.

TTC Group’s chief executive officer, Jim Kirkwood said: “Today data from multiple sources, including tracking and telematics data, dashcam footage, parking charges and speeding offences is all available. However, amalgamating that information into something coherent and meaningful is the next step in road safety.

“What we are now potentially entering is an era of automation, artificial intelligence and connectivity which integrates existing data sources effectively and from it interprets meaningful and valuable insights to deliver road safety, risk management and other benefits.”

Despite the significant impact technology can and will likely have, it alone will not make the necessary improvements to road safety. Instead TTC Group believes that safety conscious business cultures in combination with technology will achieve the greatest results.

Kirkwood said: “Road safety is one of those areas where through the deployment of technology and the adoption of new ways of thinking there can be huge benefits with regards compliance, health and safety, and commercial opportunities.”
