Prasco issues stock supply statement

Prasco UK has told customers it is taking every measure possible to ensure that the Coronavirus will not affect its supply of independently certified replacement parts.

Managing director Kelvyn Waugh has spoken out after he, and his sales team, have been contacted by numerous repairers and insurance companies concerned a shortage of replacement parts would affect productivity.

Waugh and his procurement team have been working closely with their overseas suppliers since the first reported cases in early January to ensure supplies continue and have high levels of stock levels currently on site.

The Doncaster-based operation, which receives significant shipments from the Far East and its parent company based in Turin, Northern Italy made moves in January to ensure a steady flow of container shipments of replacement parts continue to arrive at its main UK distribution hub.

Waugh said: “At the moment we are holding extremely high-levels of stock and we have been working tirelessly with our suppliers to ensure those stocks do not diminish since the first reported cases back in January.

“While we cannot predict the future, what we can say, for now, is we are confident we have significant levels of replacement parts in place to ensure productivity for all our customers is maintained.”

He added: “What’s more, we have numerous containers en route which, as they take several weeks to arrive from the Far East, will ensure a steady flow of products will be maintained and we have received every assurance from our suppliers that productivity is continuing.”

Like so many companies, Prasco UK is taking extreme measures to ensure the safety of all its employees and customers alike. Staff members with underlying health conditions have been asked to work from home and all areas, including its fleet of delivery vehicles, are regularly sanitised. All staff have been given the necessary products to personally sanitise regularly.
