Pop-up Show hailed a huge success

The first ever Pop-Up Motor Show attracted more than 18,000 visitors in its first two weeks.

Developed by the team behind The British Motor Show, the show features the latest new models such as EVs, classics and retro-electric cars, as well as supercar displays and driving simulators.

A series of similar events will be launched in the run-up to the London Motor Show in August 2021, with the next one going live at the Festival Place shopping centre in Basingstoke, on December 2.

The British Motor Show CEO, Andy Entwistle, said: “While it is of course frustrating that we’ve had to temporarily close the Pop-Up Show, we are over the moon with its success and what it tells us about the desire from the British public to attend automotive events.

“We’ve seen almost 18,000 people through the door, with our marketplace retailers expressing better results than they expected and some amazing feedback from showgoers, all of which points to both an appetite for Pop-Up Shows across the country and a lot of support for the British Motor Show itself, which remains in full-throttle planning for August 2021.

“Our team have been on hand to help educate and advise thousands of consumers, creating hundreds of leads and helping support the UK automotive industry, particularly when it comes to the march towards electrification and consumer confidence.

“The statistics from the first two weeks have beaten our internal expectations and should be held up to the industry as proof that Britain’s car-buying and car-loving public have a lot of pent-up desire to go to events they’ve been unable to attend in 2020 and we’re hoping for a bumper series of events next year to help fuel their passion. Now is the time for the automotive industry to get behind us and support this initiative, both nationally and on a local pop-up level.”
