Online guides address key dealership concerns

The National Franchised Dealers Association (NFDA) has launched a new series of operational guides covering some of the key areas which have been of particular concern to members.

The first guide focuses on ‘Distance Selling’, an issue which is currently of particular relevance to dealers as showrooms must remain shut during the lockdown. Over the coming months, NFDA members will have access to a series of ‘Hands-On Guides’ covering key areas such as General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) as well as HR issues.

The guides are broken down into the following sections: what the issue is; what businesses need to do; what happens if businesses do not follow the guidance; summary and conclusions; helpful terms; and links to additional guidance available online.

Sue Robinson, NFDA chief executive, said: “NFDA understands that not all franchised dealers may have the time or the trained staff to follow the extensive legal updates in the automotive retail sector, as a result, we are breaking down the information available, offering the most significant parts to our members in a simple, user-friendly format.

“Whilst the guides are designed for the easy access of dealers, NFDA will continue to offer additional, detailed guidance and case studies through our dedicated member area on the website as well as regular, member bulletins.

“Additionally, members have access to the NFDA legal helpline, as well as a number of industry experts should they require further assistance or information. We continue to encourage our members to contact us directly with any queries they may have, as regulations remain very fluid.”
