Nissan, Renault and Uber sign EV MoU

The Alliance of Renault and Nissan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Uber intended to increase journeys in electric vehicles in Europe.

The companies will now explore a strong partnership to provide partner drivers on the Uber App with affordable electric vehicles in European markets, notably in the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Portugal.

The MoU follows Uber’s announcement to become a zero-emission mobility platform, with half of all miles driven on the platform across seven European capitals (Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Lisbon, London, Madrid and Paris) electrified by 2025.

Jordi Vila, divisional vice president for sales and marketing at Nissan Europe, said: “From 10 years of experience with the Nissan LEAF, we know people love driving electric, and that making the switch can help drivers to save money and support the clean air ambitions of our major cities. By teaming up with Uber in the UK, we have already been able to increase the awareness and adoption of zero-emission vehicles, and we are looking forward to exploring how to roll that out further in Europe.”
