NFDA addresses key EV issues

The National Franchised Dealers Association (NFDA) EV group has met to discuss regulatory changes, the 2035 ban of the sale of petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles, and CO2 regulations after Brexit.

The group was established in 2019 to support dealers’ efforts in the EV sector and, in turn, provide NFDA with feedback on the key issues facing the industry.

The group also discussed the investments required by dealers as well as the issues affecting their relationship with manufacturers.

Sue Robinson, NFDA director, said: “Franchised dealers continue to make significant efforts to support the transition to a zero-emission market and offset the barriers currently perceived by consumers in the EV sector. The NFDA EV Group has been instrumental in supporting dealers and providing us with key insights to back our lobbying efforts.

“Going forward, we will continue to work closely with our members to assist them during this crucial market transition by addressing the issues facing them with both government and manufacturers.”
