Motofix introduces coronavirus protocols

Motofix has introduced new procedures in response to the threat of service disruption posed by coronavirus.

Whilst all locations are fully functional, Motofix has taken steps to issue new protocols and guidelines that are now being adopted by all sites. In particular, guidance has been given to customer-facing reception staff and logistics teams. The group is also working on flexible “work from home” arrangements in the event that support staff are required to self-quarantine.

Motofix has also taken further welfare precautions by issuing Health & Safety supplies including gloves, masks and alcohol based antibacterial products such as hand-gel and air-spray etc. to all locations.

Sue Cripps, general manager, compliance and standards, said: “We have revised our Contingency Planning documents, procedures and controls to accommodate our response to any potential service interruption.”

Richard Tutt, group executive chairman, added: “Our repair centres are widely spread, so in the event of a service interruption we feel confident we can limit the impact by servicing customers from alternative Motofix locations. In the meantime, it’s business as usual at Motofix.”
