MG Motor delivers PPE to Nightingale Hospital

MG Motor has donated 10,000 face masks to the NHS Nightingale Hospital in Birmingham.

A further donation of face masks will be delivered to two NHS Trusts in South Wales, with each receiving 5,000 face masks. In the Republic of Ireland, MG is donating 10,000 face masks to hospitals in Dublin and Cork.

It has already supplied up to 100 MG ZS EV battery electric SUVs to NHS organisations across the UK for up to six months completely free of charge.

Head of sales and marketing at MG Motor UK, Daniel Gregorious, said: “Given the international nature of our business we were able to use our extensive network of suppliers to source face masks and supply them to the front-line, where they are needed. Our NHS heroes and their counterparts in Ireland are leading the fight against coronavirus and we are glad to be helping their efforts in this way.”
