Market broadens for online purchases

New research has found that older drivers are becoming more open to buying a car unseen.

The finding comes from a study of more than 700 car buyers conducted by the web-based car supermarket

It found that previously sceptical consumer groups, men and older drivers, are fast embracing an Amazon-style click-and-receive way of buying cars.

Confidence in buying a car online is now rising among more mature drivers and peaking in the 35-44 year old age bracket, while men are now twice as confident as women to opt for the online purchase. This is despite BuyaCar’s own experience in recent years of women being the fastest-growing customer group on the platform.

Meanwhile, scepticism is falling away across all consumer groups, with determination to see and test a car before buying it now concentrated among the under-25s and the over-65s.

Andy Oldham, chief executive of, said: “For the first time since BuyaCar launched 18 years ago we are able to confidently say that the online car buying experience is for everyone. Huge investment by new businesses in this market is one sign that buying online is not just here to stay but poised to become the main way in which people buy cars tomorrow.

“But our latest research confirms that this market is not just growing fast but rapidly evolving from a niche for younger people to a mainstream option for all car buyers.”
