In memoriam: Tony Lowe

The industry is this week remembering a highly respected colleague, who sadly passed away last week.

Impact Repair Centre managing director Tony Lowe served the industry loyally for nearly 40 years, and was part of the Retail Motor Industry board from 2003 to 2018.

Chris Weeks, NBRA director, said: “It is with great sadness that the NBRA would like to pay our respects to the passing of our friend Tony Lowe who gave so much to the car body repair industry. Tony was a highly active body repair trade association committee member and served on VBRA, NAB and in its current guise of the NBRA right up to 2018 when Tony resigned to focus on his business.

“Tony had a special way of asking very difficult questions which he did on a regular basis always making people work hard to justify their views. This was always done in the most polite way and always for good reason.

“Tony of course was a highly respected crash repairer and could often be seen at conferences on stage actively championing the body repair industry. In 2012 Tony was heavily involved in the CMAs investigation into Private Motor Insurance and made many submissions and OFT briefings, one of many career achievements.

“Above it all though as can be seen from the outpouring of comments for Tony already, he was a genuine, fun, gentlemen who always had time to help others. The NBRA and RMI would like to offer its sincere thanks to Tony for all of his help over the years, he will be enormously missed by the industry and his many friends.”

Meanwhile, the IMI said: “We are very sorry to hear about the passing of Tony Lowe. He was a keen contributor at many industry events and steering groups where he was always fighting the corner for those working in the accident repair sector.”

Mike Monaghan, founder of Auto-Motivate, added: “Tony and first met in 1989 when MVRA was just starting out and seeking the best bodyshops of that time. What a time it was, filled with some incredible talent and people with passion and beliefs about how amazing our industry is. Tony was one of those, his past experience within the insurance sector allowed Tony to not only develop but navigate new times.

“He sat on my original working group for developing standards in the industry and there where times we didn’t always see eye to eye, but through it we had a respect, passion and friendship that lasted. I’ll miss those conversations and pass on my deepest condolences to his family and all of those in the Impact bodyshops. Those characters are sadly being lost and all too soon.”
