IMI launches apprentice learning support
The IMI is providing free learning resources to apprentices after finding that 83% of furloughed apprentices have been unable to continue their studies in the same way as before lockdown.
More than half of all apprentices have been furloughed. Only 17% of this number have been able to continue their studies with little or no change, 39% outlined significant barriers for continuing with their studies, while 18% said they have been unable to engage with their employer.
The IMI fears that up to 2,500 apprentices could “fall through the gaps” during lockdown, exacerbating a post-coronavirus skills crisis.
In response, it has launched the Furlough Registrar to provide apprentices with a range of learning options.
Steve Nash, CEO of the IMI, said: “There has been much already said about the impact of Covid-19 on our future generations and this has been brought into sharp focus by our on-going study of the sector. Not surprisingly – but disappointingly all the same – it seems that apprentices have been an obvious group to furlough in order to manage costs. And whilst this does offer some level of job security, for the time-being, what seems to have been missed is that furloughing doesn’t mean individuals can’t still study and access the support they need to continue their learning.
“This is a big concern for us in terms of whether the apprentices will actually return to the workplace at the end of the furlough period. And that is not only a risk for the sector as it needs to be well prepared and well-skilled for the next generation of automotive technology. It is also a huge waste of the investment already made by the apprentices, their training centres and employers.”
Nash continued: “The goal with the IMI Furlough Register is to be able to easily identify the apprentices who need support – and provide them with a range of learning tools they can access for free as and when they need them.”
Apprentices are invited to complete the IMI survey to join the Furlough Register. They will then automatically receive updates from the IMI as new materials are added to its resource bank.