Green card for go following Brexit

Motorists have been reminded they will need to carry an insurance green card to travel to Europe once the Brexit transition period ends on 31 December.

This is regardless of a deal or no deal, and unless the EU Commission agrees that the UK remains part of the Green Card Free Circulation Zone.

The Green Card requirement will also apply to motorists in Northern Ireland driving across the border with the Republic of Ireland.

The Green Card is an international certificate of insurance proving visiting motorists have the minimum compulsory motor insurance cover required by the law of the country visited. Motorists failing to carry a Green Card when one is needed risk having their vehicle seized and facing prosecution.

Carol Hall, ABI’s assistant director, head of European and international affairs, said: Insurers have put considerable resources into preparing for the need to issue Green Cards for travel from 1 January 2020 to minimise any disruption to motorists. While they are geared up to do so, it is without question that the best outcome for customers, road hauliers and insurers continues to be for the UK to be part of the Green Card Free Circulation Zone

“We appreciate the pragmatic approach the UK government has taken on this matter, and we need them to press the EU Commission to agree that the UK and its motorists can stay in the Green Card free zone.”
