Government urged to back bold scrappage scheme

The two trade associations representing the UK motor finance and fleet sector have urged ministers to develop an ambitious car scrappage scheme that tackles air quality, drives EV uptake and encourages more sustainable travel behaviour.

In a letter to HM Treasury, the Department for Transport and BEIS, the BVRLA and FLA have outlined 10 principles upon which any scrappage scheme should be built.

These are: act quickly; be bold; prioritise new and used EVs; don’t forget about air quality; support fleet and private buyers; make a difference where it matters; drive transport behaviour change; be purchase-channel agnostic; work with all financing models; and think long-term.

BVRLA chief executive Gerry Keaney said: “To be truly effective, any EV stimulus scheme must work for both the new and used market. It should make the UK a more attractive market for OEMs to sell their EVs and help those who cannot afford to buy a new electric car to purchase or lease a used one. Any scheme that focuses solely on supporting new vehicle sales could damage the residual values of ex-fleet cars and thus hinder the sector’s ability to invest in new electric vehicles.”

Adrian Dally, head of motor finance at the FLA, said: “Getting Britain moving again will require many businesses and consumers driving newer and cleaner vehicles at prices they can afford. This stimulus will come at the right time to support jobs and households across the whole of the UK.”
