Government delays CAZ introduction

The government has confirmed plans to introduced Clean Air Zones in Birmingham have been delayed until 2021.

Birmingham City Council wrote to the government last month asking for a delay, and the government confirmed yesterday the CAZ would not now come into force until 2021.

Birmingham, Leeds, Southampton, Nottingham and Derby were all asked to introduce CAZ this year.

The BVRLA has welcomed the government’s decision. “This is a very sensible decision in the current circumstances. It gives some temporary respite for businesses and individuals trying to come to terms with the current health crisis and gives the government’s Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU) extra time to make sure that key systems such as the centralised payment portal are fit-for-purpose and more fleet friendly,” said BVRLA chief executive Gerry Keaney.

“We have worked closely with JAQU to inform them of the needs of fleets and drivers and we hope that they use this delay wisely to ensure a more joined-up approach is taken when local authorities implement their air quality measures next year. To date the range of air quality measures being proposed are wide and varied across UK towns and cities. The landscape is very confusing. Hopefully this delay will provide additional time to reflect and deliver a more effective and co-ordinated way forward,” Keaney added.
