Goodwood Festival of Speed postponed

Goodwood has postponed the Festival of Speed in line with advice received from the UK government and the Public Health England.

Originally scheduled to take place 9-12 July, Goodwood is currently exploring potential alternative dates for late summer or early autumn. Tickets already purchased for this year’s event will remain valid for the new date.

The Duke of Richmond, owner of the Goodwood Estate, said: “Over the last few weeks, we have been working together with everyone involved to understand the viability of the Festival of Speed going ahead in July. Due to the uncertainty of the coronavirus threat and not knowing whether the situation will have significantly improved by then, we sadly need to postpone the Festival of Speed in July.

“These are dramatic and unbelievable times but they will pass and we are already trying to think about just how exciting it’s going to be to welcome you all back to Goodwood.”
