Fleet driver courses to resume

RoSPA is taking bookings for its in-vehicle fleet driver training courses, which will begin again on 29 June.

This follows consultation with its training staff and thorough risk assessment to ensure there are robust measures in place to protect everyone from transmission of the virus.

Nathan Davies, RoSPA executive head of training and consultancy, said: “We’re delighted to now be able to offer courses which contain in-vehicle training, as we can implement a number of control measures which will manage virus transmission risks within a vehicle.

“Ensuring the safety of all staff and training delegates post-lockdown has been the focus of our work over the past weeks and months. We know there is still great demand for fleet training and consultancy, and we need to help keep businesses moving safely, so we wanted to be ready to go as soon as we felt ready and able.

“We understand there will be some apprehension around getting in a vehicle with somebody else, so we have extensive measures in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus to our trainers, examiners and delegates.”

As part of the increased safety measures, all trainers and delegates will be required to wear PPE while in the vehicle, and hand gel will be available on entering and exiting. Individual risk assessments will also be undertaken by each trainer ahead of every course/session, and delegates will be required to confirm they are symptom-free.
