Fix Auto Skegness invests to grow secure parking

Fix Auto Skegness has invested to buy the land adjacent to its repair centre in order to increase the secure space for car storage.

Owners Joe and Peter Chapman (pictured) have invested in the additional plot which is suitable to store more than 35 vehicles as well as a building that they have converted into a secure parts storage.

Joe Chapman said: “Like many repairers, our success means we have started to outgrow our site. While the workshops and offices are perfect for our needs, we have had issues with parking and storing vehicles. This can mean a lot of our time previously had been spent shuffling vehicles around. This time is so valuable when we have tight timescales to get the vehicles repaired and customers to get back on the road.

“We had been looking for a suitable piece of land for a while and then a plot became available just yards away from our existing premises. It had previously been used as a car sales lot, so it already has the security in place that we needed so it is perfect for our requirements and will help us increase productivity overall,” he added.
