Ezi Methods supports customers closed for business

Ezi Methods customers who are forced to close or suspend their businesses during the coronavirus pandemic will have their subscriptions extended, free of charge, for the length of time they are unable to operate.

Commercial director Ben Cardy said: “We are in a fortunate position whereby we have taken measures to ensure our services are uninterrupted during these testing times, but we are acutely aware a great many of our customers are fighting to stay operational while others have already taken the unenviable, but admirable, decision to shut up shop until this ordeal is over.

“Any repairer who uses Ezi Methods but is forced to close because of the pandemic will have their subscription extended by the period of time they’re closed.

“These are undoubtedly uncertain and extremely testing times for us all. The repair industry is a community, one in which, if we can all rally and support each other, we will survive.”

In order to qualify for the support, Ezi Methods customers must contact the company either by emailing [email protected] or by contacting Ben Cardy direct.
