Euro NCAP names first five-star model

Euro NCAP has awarded its first five-star safety review under its revamped 2020 protocols.

It gave the award to Toyota’s latest small family car, the Yaris, which was the first to be subjected to an all-new frontal offset test, which replaces the one previously used since the programme started in 1997, and is the first to feature a counter-measure for injuries in far-side impacts.

The mobile progressive deformable barrier (MPDB) test assesses the protection a car offers its occupants as well as the risks it poses to the car it has crashed into.

Euro NCAP’s secretary general, Michiel van Ratingen, said: “Congratulations to Toyota on a top rating for the Yaris. This has been a tough year for all concerned and I am grateful to Euro NCAP’s labs and employees who have worked hard to deliver safety, while staying safe. We have had to adapt quickly to new working practices, and it is pleasing that the first car rated this year should have gone so far to address the safety issues that are emerging as top priorities.”
