Drivers demand action on motorway fuel prices

Over 90% of motorists would like to see greater action taken to reduce the price of fuel at motorway services.

A new poll from independent car retailer Motorpoint found 94% of drivers would like to see the price per litre of petrol and diesel on motorways brought in line with the costs at pumps in surrounding areas. Some 1,415 people part in the poll.

Motorway service providers have long been widely criticised for charging well above the market rate for fuel with research last year revealing that drivers can spend up to 37 pence more per litre on motorways – even with the government announcing plans to investigate the high price of fuel at motorway service stations. Some 120 million litres of fuel is sold every day in the UK according to the Petroleum Industry Association.

Mark Carpenter, chief executive officer of Motorpoint, said: “The results of the Motorpoint poll clearly show the strength of feeling among motorists about the ‘exploitative’ price of fuel on our motorways.

“While many drivers value having the services available, and don’t mind paying a small premium for the convenience, the current disparity between the price of fuel on our motorways and the price of fuel elsewhere are completely unjustifiable and action is needed to bring them more in line with each other.”
