DfT unveils new traffic solution

The government has unveiled a new moveable barrier solution that it hopes will keep traffic moving on motorways.

Specialist vehicles can roll out new moveable concrete barriers within hours to mark out where traffic will go.

The Department for Transport said the barrier would be a marked improvement in comparison to Operation Brock.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said: “After listening to frustrated residents and businesses affected by Operations Brock and Stack, we’ve invested in a new solution to boost Kent’s resilience and keep its vital road network moving, even at times of disruption.

“This state-of-the-art technology can be deployed quickly, simply and safely, ensuring motorists across the county can get to where they need to be with minimum fuss, whatever the circumstances.”

FTA’s policy manager for the South East of England, Heidi Skinner, said: “No operator wants to be stuck in slow moving or stationary traffic, and today’s announcement will come as a welcome respite for those concerned about the impact of potential delays on the UK’s supply chain from the Continent, as well as on businesses and residents in Kent.

“However, there is more to be done to ensure that the new system will work in the best way possible and manage the congestion any form of cross-Channel disruption can cause, and we look forward to working with Highways England and DfT on this.”
