DfT releases ‘alarming’ speeding stats

More than half of drivers exceeded the speed limit on 30mph roads last year.

Data from the Department for Transport found that 54% of drivers broke the limit on these roads, with most doing so in residential areas commonly shared with pedestrians and cyclists.

A fifth of speeding motorists hit speeds over 35mph, while six per cent were caught travelling at 40 mph or higher. The average speed across 30mph zones was 31mph.

Meanwhile, 50% of drivers broke the speed limit on 70mph motorways.

RAC road safety spokesman Simon Williams said: “These statistics are alarming. We know that during the days of strict lockdown there was a real prevalence of speeding in built-up areas. Breaking speed limits is illegal and puts everyone using the road in danger. It’s vital the government’s review into road policing addresses the elephant in the room – a lack of enforcement.”

Road Safety Minister Baroness Vere said: “Speeding is illegal, reckless and puts people’s lives at unnecessary risk. That is why there are tough penalties and strict enforcement measures in place for those who disobey the law. We know it’s just as crucial though to change attitudes that lead to dangerous driving.”
