Coronavirus key to fleet risk management

Vehicle software specialist FleetCheck believes coronavirus measures should be added to standard fleet risk management policies for the foreseeable future.

It thinks areas that may need to be covered in coronavirus risk management include everything from protocols for delivery drivers and cleaning of shared vehicles to implications for grey fleet operations and drivers reporting symptoms of the illness.

Peter Golding, managing director at FleetCheck, said: “The fact is that coronavirus is going to be very much part of everyday fleet management for the foreseeable future and that businesses need to tackle the issue as proactively as possible.

“In order to minimise the likelihood of employees being exposed to the virus, many or even most fleets have already adopted a range of measures on an ad hoc basis and the new official guidance provides a means to build on this improvisational approach.

“There is undoubtedly an argument for integrating the government’s strategies and more into your overall, written risk management policy. Until there is a vaccine or a cure for coronavirus, it is going to have be managed and you should have a written infrastructure.”

The UK government this week issued its guidelines for Working Safely During Coronavirus in or from a Vehicle.
