Charity partner pledges further support

AutoRaise partner Esure has responded to the charity’s call for emergency funding with an additional contribution on top of their annual commitment.

Richard Hughes, head of engineering and network (claims) said: “The simple fact is that the industry will not be viable in the future if it doesn’t attract young people and train them to repair the modern motor vehicle. AutoRaise knows our industry and knows that repairers need help.

“The industry needs AutoRaise to continue their brilliant work and to play their part in getting more young people into apprenticeships in our industry. Why wouldn’t anyone involved in our sector not want to support that?”

Bob Linwood, AutoRaise CEO, added “Esure have been a brilliant supporter for AutoRaise from day one. Kevin Moran continues to serve as one of our associate trustees. Myself and the trustees are overwhelmed by this latest demonstration of wanting to help the charity – esure epitomise the level of support we hope for from our insurer partners and we look forward to continuing to develop that partnership as we move forward.”
