Car registrations stall in March

Cazana has reported that new car registrations in March fell 44.4% compared to the same period last year.

Private registration market share was up 3.4% for the month in comparison with March 2019 at the expense of the fleet sector which was 2.6% down, although market share for the year to date for both sectors is almost exactly the same at 47.2% and 50.9%.

From a fuel type perspective, diesel registrations were now just 17.6% of the March market down 8.1% in March 2019 with the year to date figure at 18.9%. Petrol sat at 60.1% for the month and 60.9% for the year to date. The most important other increase is for BEVs which are up from 0.9% last year to 4.6% for March 2020 taking the year to date figure to 3.8% market share.
