BVRLA: We can help UK plc rebound

The vehicle rental, leasing and fleet sector can play a key role in helping the economy rebound from the effects of the coronavirus, according to a new report published by the BVRLA.

Its Covid-19 Recovery Plan sets out the industry’s sustainable transport credentials, and urges policymakers to work with BVRLA members in supporting the automotive sector and delivering net-zero transport. The plan also shows how the industry can drive positive transport behaviour change and help tackle the scourge of air pollution.

BVRLA chief executive, Gerry Keaney, said: “BVRLA members have a unique perspective on the issues facing road transport in the UK and have the purchasing power to tackle them. They have a long track record of working constructively with policymakers to drive down emissions, improve safety and make road transport more cost efficient and accessible.”

In its recovery plan, the BVRLA gives the government a set of five clear priorities that can deliver more sustainable transport for a stronger economy: maintain the financial liquidity that underpins the motor finance market; provide a tax and incentive regime that will stimulate vehicle demand; focus on the key levers for accelerating road transport decarbonisation; take a more active role in supporting and managing the roll-out of Clean Air Zones; and support the role of flexible car models in enabling more sustainable transport choices.
