Buying plans impacted by Covid

The coronavirus has changed car purchasing plans for 13.9 million UK drivers.

According to research by Kwik Fit, 7.5 million motorists revealed the impact of the pandemic has made them less likely to buy a new or used car in the next 12 months. Concern over infection, environmental factors and capitalising on deals were the reasons given most often by drivers newly planning to be in the car market.

However, 6.4 million drivers say they are more likely to change their vehicle over the coming year with one in five saying they are using their cars more often because they do not want to use public transport.

Of those now more likely to change their vehicle, 51% expect to buy a brand new model with 18% saying that they want to buy a more eco-friendly car.

However, all three fuel systems remain more appealing to drivers than full electric models –  9.3 million drivers expect their next car to be fuelled by petrol, 7.6 million will buy a hybrid or plug in hybrid and 3.2 million still want to get a diesel car when they next change vehicle. Just eight per cent of car owners expect their next one to be fully electric, with a lack of fast charging points in the areas people commonly drive the most common reason for motorists not committing to a fully electric vehicle.

Roger Griggs, communications director of Kwik Fit, said: “Coronavirus has changed so many lives this year that it’s no surprise people are altering their car buying plans, but we were astonished to see just how many drivers say they are more likely to buy a new car as a result of the pandemic.

“Our research also highlights that although the government is consulting on ending the sale of diesel, petrol and hybrid cars before its previous target date of 2035 – just 15 years away – there is still a lot to be done to convince drivers. There have been many early adopters, but there needs to be ongoing education and infrastructure programmes to ensure fully electric vehicles become the mainstream.”
