Business events boosted by launch of Safe2Attend

The events landscape has seen a positive step forward in the “new normal”, with the launch of Safe2Attend.

The founding vision of Safe2Attend is that all event and conference attendees feel safer, more secure, and more reassured of being in a healthy environment when meeting colleagues and friends face-to-face. This is essential to protect themselves, their businesses, their families and society as a whole.

Safe2Attend addresses the new paradigms through the independent application of its bespoke standards and control of identified, health-related risks. Only those businesses demonstrating that they operate to these exacting standards will be worthy of carrying the Safe2Attend branding.

With over 20 years’ experience in delivering high quality global events, the Safe2Attend team has deep knowledge of the intricacies and challenges of bringing groups of people physically together. In the new world of greater health awareness this knowledge has been combined with a backbone of risk assessment professionals to provide a framework of dedicated, independent certification.

Safe2Attend is committed to upholding the highest standards, believing that independent certification is the only credible way to bring back confidence to the world of business events.

For more information on how to kick-start your events and become Safe2Attend certified, email [email protected] or visit
