BCA completes 1948 NHS Challenge

BCA employees have raised over £3,500 for the NHS Charities Together Covid-19 Appeal after undertaking a sponsored walk, run and cycle during the lockdown period.

The team set themselves the challenge of covering 1,948 miles from the start of May to the end of June to mark the anniversary of the NHS formation on 5 July, 1948.

Mark Taylor, HR director BCA, said: “We are absolutely delighted that not only did we meet our target, but we ‘knocked it out of the park’. There was a strong consensus amongst everyone in the team that they wanted to do something to acknowledge the heroic efforts of the NHS, as well as raise funds for the NHS Charities Together Covid-19 Appeal.

“The enthusiasm with which the team tackled the challenge – come rain and shine – has been overwhelming.  We’re pleased we could add to the other support BCA has already provided to the wider community during the pandemic so far.”

The JustGiving page is still open for donations and as of 3 July the team had covered 3,159.25 miles and raised £3,678.
