AX recognised for Covid response

AX has won a prestigious honour at the annual UK CXA Awards.

It collected the Employee Experience in the Crisis accolade due to the measures it took to ensure the good physical and mental health of its workforce throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

It was also runner-up in the Customer Experience in the Crisis award, after ensuring no customer with a need for a vehicle – including key workers – was left without mobility following an accident.

Lucy Woods, CEO, said: “The UK and the global community is still facing huge challenges resulting from Covid-19 and we offer our sincerest sympathies to those who have lost loved ones.

“In many ways this award is something we would never have anticipated or desired because of the dire consequences of the pandemic, but I feel incredibly proud of the achievements of individual staff members and the organisation as a whole.

“This recognition from the CXA is a credit to the business, our partner organisations, our people and the customers we work with every day. We are very pleased that we have so far protected our staff, continued to deliver the industry leading service we are known for, and helped those having to make vital car journeys.”
