AutoRaise marks National Apprenticeship Week

AutoRaise is marking National Apprenticeship Week with a host of events around the country to raise the profile of apprenticeship opportunities in our industry.

Bob Linwood, AutoRaise CEO, said: “We wanted to make sure we were engaging with as many employers and their teams as possible in this important week. I personally am going to be travelling the length and breadth of the country, holding one-hour sessions with business owners, their apprentices, mentors, buddies and HR team members to capture some best-practice ideas, understand what more needs to be done to increase apprenticeship vacancies and to find out exactly what the apprenticeship landscape looks like at the moment.

“It’s the perfect opportunity to get out and about, raise awareness through our social media and other engagement channels and to capture some great content for future case studies.”

Meanwhile, Indra Nauth, AutoRaise’s head of engagement for education and learners, said: “I am going to be engaging with a number of training providers – both those that we already work with and others who we are starting to enjoy some serious dialogue with – to understand how we can help them to communicate better with repairers and ensure there are sufficient training places to cope with the increasing interest and demand for employing technical apprentices.

“Our sector is seeing significant growth in numbers of both single-skilled and multi-skilled apprenticeships and we need to ensure we keep momentum going and that training providers can cope with demand.”
