A fifth to drive less after lockdown

An AA-Populus poll of nearly 20,000 drivers revealed that 22% will drive less following the coronavirus pandemic, 51% will drive as before and 36% will walk/cycle/run more.

Its “Life after lockdown” survey received 19,732 responses from AA members between 14 and 20 April. The survey also found that 38% said their first journey after lockdown will be to visit friends and family.

Edmund King OBE, AA president, said: “Potentially there could be major changes to the way we travel post-lockdown. Analysis suggests that one fifth might use public transport less in cities post-lockdown. Outside of London which has parking and congestion charging restrictions, we could see an increase in car use in other cities where people shun public transport for fear of the virus.i

“However, this trend may be countered with a change in driving patterns by those who normally drive but have got used to leaving the car at home during lockdown. More than one in five say they will drive less after restrictions are lifted. It is also likely that at least one in ten will work from home more often.

“There will still be a demand for new and used cars but people may just use them slightly less which will reduce congestion and bring environmental benefits.

“Many people will remain dependent on their cars even if they use them less often. Currently the AA is rescuing 100 NHS staff every day free of charge due to car breakdowns. Those working shifts, or at night or in remote areas are totally dependent on their cars and that will continue.

“Life after lockdown will be different. Some will shun public transport, others will drive less, more will cycle and walk, working from home will continue for many. Some drivers who have appreciated lower traffic noise, fewer and shorter journeys, may be prompted finally to buy an electric vehicle. All in all, life will return and the increase in car use in some areas instead of public transport will be countered by others realising that they can use their cars less by working from home or even walking and cycling more.”
