VWG appoints digital head

Christian Senger has joined the Volkswagen Passenger Cars Board of Management with responsibility for the new Digital Car and Services function. He has also been appointed head of the Digital Car and Services function for the Group.

Dr. Herbert Diess, Volkswagen CEO, said, ‘The share of software in vehicles is surging, it accounts for an ever-growing proportion of total value added, and therefore has a significant impact on the performance and characteristics of our vehicles. 

‘That is why we are fundamentally strengthening software development at Volkswagen. Christian Senger will vigorously drive this forward in his new function.’

The new Board function is tasked with bundling software activities and strengthening the digital overall experience through the customer-centric development of Group brands. Senger therefore holds responsibility for a Group-wide “software stack” spanning all vehicle domains and mobility services aimed at giving Group-wide collaboration on software concepts and intelligent mobility concepts a powerful and future-proof foundation. At the same time, Volkswagen is to become a particularly attractive employer for digital experts and talents.
