Volvo restructure to future-proof strategy

Volvo Cars is restructuring its executive management team to place technological developments and digitalisation at the core of the company’s future strategy, as well as a focus on new ways of interacting with customers.

Björn Annwall, currently head of global consumer experience, will lead commercial operations, responsible for running and developing Volvo Cars’ global core business, focusing on growth and profitability.

Björn will head the EMEA region, and lead the global coordination of the EMEA region, the Americas region, which is led by Anders Gustafsson, and the APAC region, which is led by Xiaolin Yuan. Other functions that will form part of this cluster include customer service as well as the merged global marketing and communications team.

Lex Kerssemakers will head up a new cluster, direct consumer business, responsible for developing new direct business relationships with consumers, while Henrik Green will continue to run research and development, and lead the product creation and quality cluster which is to be expanded with the inclusion of design and consumer and enterprise digital. This structure strengthens the linkage between Volvo Cars’ consumer digital and in-car software development.

In an unconnected move, Hans Oscarsson, head of Finance, will from take up a new position as chief executive officer of Geely Sweden Holding AB, the company responsible for the Geely group’s investments in the Nordic region, in August.

In addition, Thomas Ingenlath, who is chief executive officer of the stand-alone electrified performance car brand Polestar, will leave Volvo Cars’ executive management team. Thomas will remain responsible for group design, working closely with Robin Page, head of design at Volvo.
